Tag Archives: Immigration & Status

DACA Program Reinstated

On December 4, 2020, a federal judge ordered the Trump administration to fully reinstate the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, allowing eligible immigrants to file new applications for protection from deportation under the program. Read more about the DACA program, who is eligible, how to apply, and resources in multiple languages at https://homeishere.us/.


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Action Alert: Drop the Charges Against SEAA Organizers

VietLead’s Executive Director, Nancy Nguyen, and a group of Freedom Fighters were targeted for speaking out publicly against ICE Director Tony Pham for using his Viet refugee status to spearhead their terror campaign against Black and Brown immigrant and refugee communities. As the government frequently criminalizes Freedom Fighters like Nancy Nguyen who speak out against human rights abuses and imprisons them with bogus charges, take action today and stand with movement leaders and groups who are fighting for justice by signing the Nat’l Statement Demanding Commonwealth Atty. Shannon Taylor to Drop the Charges. We call on all who are against injustice to sign on to this Drop the Charges Demand letter. To join the movement to demand to drop ALL charges, use the action tool kit.

Read Nancy Nguyen’s Op-Ed in The Philadelphia Inquirer


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Public Charge Update

Public Charge: The Trump administration’s proposed Public Charge rule would make it easier for the federal government to deny legal status to immigrants who might apply for public assistance, an exclusionary regulation intended to create a defacto legal wall to keep immigrants out and rig the system against children, elders, people who are lower income, limited English and those who have medical conditions or with disabilities. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the Southern District of New York (SDNY) just ruled for a temporary nationwide injunction halting the enforcement of Public Charge as, “actions taken by the federal government were not enough to ensure that immigrants, wary of federal immigration actions, would not be dissuaded from seeking medical care” (read more about the injunction here). Learn more about how to get involved here: https://www.onenationaapi.com/about-the-campaign.

Read Chinese for Affirmative Action’s Press Release on Federal Judge George B. Daniels’s decision to halt the implementation of expanded Public Charge rules. Annette Wong, Director of Programs at CAA reflected, “Trump’s public charge policies are inhumane and indecent, relegating immigrants into the shadows and fearful of immigration consequences when accessing public benefits. Rather than addressing the health crisis, the Trump administration has continued to use the pandemic as an opportunity to scapegoat and exclude immigrants.” Community members who have questions about how you might be impacted by public charge are encouraged to contact CAA’s Immigrant Rights program at 415.761.3222 for general inquiry and legal referrals. For more information on what is Public Charge, how it is determined, and key points you should know, please refer to Chinese for Affirmative Action’s document here: http://ow.ly/YS9m50yfTUB


Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)

DACA: Despite the recent Supreme Court decision that found that the Trump administration’s 2017 rescission of DACA was done in an arbitrary and capricious way that violated the Administrative Procedure Act (APA), DACA continues to be at risk of being scaled back further or terminated completely by the Trump administration. A memorandum issued on July 28, 2020 by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) scales back the availability of the DACA program while the administration determines whether to fully rescind DACA. Read more about the DHS memorandum issued here. If this issue is important to your community, find out more about these impacts and what you can do at https://homeishere.us/.


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