Explore Resources:Protect the Results! Rally for Ballot Counting Protection Election Week has been a roller coaster of a ride, with ballot counts continuing in battleground states. Voter turnout was extraordinary and all volunteers, organizers and community leaders who worked to get out the vote must be congratulated for the historic numbers we’ve seen. Despite there being no evidence of fraud, however, the Trump administration and its supporters continue to push a false narrative of corruption and interference meant to sow chaos and call legitimate results into question, driving the election decision of the people into the courts. To combat this narrative, coalitions of organizations are rallying across the country this weekend to demand protection for ballot results and that all votes be counted. Protect the Results is a resource to find an action near you to join; they advocate for peaceful demonstrations and do not include actions near ballot counting locations or after dark. Please find an action near you and show your support—as always, we citizens must join activation and protest to the act of voting in order to keep our civil society and democracy alive. You can find more information at the Protect the Results website.