Explore Resources:National Muslim Task Force | Joint Statement on COVID-19 In a joint statement with the National Muslim Task Force on COVID-19, EMGAGE Florida strongly recommends that Muslims in North America make every effort to support self-quarantine and social distancing as advised by your local, regional, state, and national public health or government authorities. Congregants should avoid all public gatherings to protect themselves, their families, and communities. The National Muslim Task Force on COVID-19 is providing this guidance to mosques, schools, and community centers throughout the United States. These critical actions are needed to help minimize and prevent harm from the pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic is dangerous for many reasons: Anyone can get this disease; there is no vaccine for the disease and no immunity from it; there are no known treatments for the disease; many people with no symptoms are spreading the virus. The Task Force recommends to mosques, community centers, schools, and other public centers, that all non-essential gatherings be suspended immediately until further notice. Mosques and community centers should follow guidance from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in accordance with local and national public health authorities. These recommendations apply to communities at risk of COVID-19 and where recommended or required by local, regional, state, and national public health or government authorities. Read the full Joint Statement From the National Muslim Task Force on COVID-19 here