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COVID-19 & South Asian Americans | Live Interactive Map

The news around the COVID-19 pandemic changes by the hour, and it will be a long time before we are able to compose a clear picture of the ways the virus has impacted our lives and world. Thus, in addition to our report, we’re mapping community members’ experiences of the pandemic to help shape that picture as truthfully as possible.

SAALT launched its Community Survey in May, collecting nearly 400 responses. As we get more responses and the pandemic changes course, this summary and map will undoubtedly continue to change and grow.

This map and story encapsulates what we’ve learned from those responses and from the twenty-plus community members and leaders we interviewed, whose testimonials you can find here in our full report.

View the interactive map and story here

How to use the map:

To move to different parts of the map, click and drag your mouse or scroll up or down with your mouse while hovering on the map to zoom in or out. Click on the symbols on the map to read survey respon­dents’ and com­mu­ni­ty lead­ers’ tes­ti­mo­ni­als. Click on the arrows beside the word “Legend” on the upper right hand of your screen to see what the symbols mean.

How to access the sto­ries:

To navigate the slides, click the grey arrows (either up or down), or click through the grey circles, both on the left hand side of the slide panel. Once you’ve navigated to a new slide, its accompanying map will automatically load, providing specific data analyses related to the slide topic. By clicking points on the map, you can view these data points yourself — or you can read our analysis on the slide. Stars and red points on the map indicate personal testimonials, either from an organizational leader or from an individual survey respondent.