Explore Resources:CAA | Immigrant Voting and the Movement for Inclusion in San Francisco “Immigrant Voting and the Movement for Inclusion in San Francisco” was released by Chinese for Affirmative Action in partnership with the Immigrant Parent Voting Collaborative. This report provides an overview of the fight to win immigrant voting legislation in San Francisco, a law also known as “noncitizen voting,” and the effects noncitizen voting has had on immigrant empowerment. The report shares how the program affected immigrants in San Francisco, the barriers they face in exercising their voting rights, and best practices community organizers have used to try to overcome those barriers. Read the report below, and access the executive summary as well as report appendices in multiple languages including Amharic, Arabic, Cantonese, English, Mandarin, Spanish, Tagalog, and Vietnamese on their website. 23-CAA-ImmigrationVotingReport-F2