Explore Resources:BWR and AAFC | Black & Asian Feminist Solidarities: A Reading List On April 30, 2020, Black Women Radicals and the Asian-American Feminist Collective (AAFC) co-hosted the Instagram Live event, ”Sisters and Siblings in the Struggle: COVID-19 + Black and Asian-American Feminist Solidarities.” The hosts also compiled a reading list which seeks to address: Why is it important for us as radical feminists to look back at our formidable history of cross-racial solidarities and movement building? How can Asian people address anti-Blackness? How have historical and current racial and economic disparities in general and the lack of public health and access to healthcare specifically exacerbate the oppressive and fatal encounters of COVID-19? What are ways to continue to build Black and Asian-American feminist solidarities? Also included on this webpage are a list of conferences, organizations, statements and journals detailing the historical solidarities and organizing between Black and Asian Feminists.