Explore Resources:AAPI Rising: Intersectionalty in the New South Join VAYLA in the third installment of our AAPI Rising in the South series! VAYLA’s Anthony Johnson will be interviewing our Executive Director, Jacqueline Thanh, Ursula Price—Executive Director of New Orleans Workers’ Center for Racial Justice, and Mary Moran—Executive Director and Co-Founder of Our Voice Nuestra Voz. We will explore the intersectionality framework and how it is demonstrated in grassroots organizations in the South. Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to learn about intersectionality and why it is necessary in organizing for social change. We are extremely grateful for the opportunity to watch these women of color leaders hold space for one another as they have an open and honest discussion about intersectionality work. This event was recorded live on VAYLA’s Facebook page on August 12, 2020. You can watch the video here: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=307160630533307