
APIAHF | In-language Vaccine Fact Cards

APIAHF created fact sheets on receiving the influenza (flu) vaccination during flu season in the United States. Translated into 33 different AA and NH/PI languages, this resource answers common questions and answers regarding flu to help you stay protected this year.

Visit the resource website here!

APIAHF and Vaccinate Your Family have created fact sheets on paying for vaccines and receiving the flu vaccination. Translated into 30 different AA and NHPI languages, this resource educates community members on paying for vaccines depending on insurance type and about the influenza vaccination.

APIAHF and the National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA) have created fact cards for those who may be unsure of their rights to a COVID-19 vaccination. Translated into 26 different AA and NH/PI languages, this resource educates community members on the benefits of getting vaccinated and encourages them to receive their free COVID-19 vaccinations regardless of immigration status, health insurance coverage, and/or Social Security identification.

Vaccine Updates from the CDC

KRC: 아시안 혐오범죄 급증, 신고하세요! | 핫라인 제공

A message from Isabel Kang and from KRC regarding Anti-AAPI community. Watch the video for more resources and information.

“민족학교는 인종 차별 범죄를 뿌리 뽑기 위해 핫라인을 운영하고 있습니다.
한국어와 영어 모두 제공하고 있습니다.
더이상 인종 차별 범죄를 감춰서는 안 됩니다. 신고하세요.
핫라인 전화번호는 213 709 3695입니다.”

“KRC operates a hotline to eradicate racist crimes.
Both Korean and English are available.
You can no longer conceal racist crimes. Report it.
The hotline phone number is 213 709 3695.”

Korean Resource Center Hotline

“We at KRC are heartbroken to hear about yesterday’s shooting that killed 8 people in Atlanta, including six Asian American women. Our hearts go out to all the victims’ families and ⁠⁠to all our AAPI community members across the country who are processing this news and feeling a heightened sense of fear, anger, and grief. ⁠⁠It is hard to find the right words in the face of this appalling tragedy. As the details of this incident continue to unfold, we will be sharing resources and ways to offer care and support. ⁠⁠
Note that KRC has a designated hotline (213-709-3695) ⁠⁠where we provide in-language assistance and compassionate support to our community.”⁠⁠
⁠⁠”민족학교는 어제(16일) 조지아주 애틀랜타에서 발생한 총격 사건에 대한 소식을 듣고 가슴이 무너지는 느낌입니다. 이번 총격으로 인해 8명이 숨졌고 그 가운데 6명이 아시안계 여성이었습니다. ⁠⁠
모든 희생자의 가족은 물론, 공포와 분노, 슬픔을 ⁠⁠느끼고 있는 아시안계 이민자들에게 심심한 애도의 뜻을 전합니다. 우리는 이 끔찍한 비극을 어떻게 표현해야 할지 그조차도 가늠하기 힘듭니다. 이 사건에 대한 자세한 내용이 나오는 것에 맞춰 민족학교는 ⁠⁠우리가 할 수 있는 지원 방법과 정보를 공유하겠습니다.⁠⁠
⁠기억하세요. 민족학교 핫라인은 213 709 3685입니다. 한국어로 도움을 받을 수 있습니다.⁠⁠”

AAAJ– Atlanta | A Community-Centered Response to Violence Against Asian American Communities

Collective Statement– A Community-Centered Response to Violence Against Asian American Communities in English, Chinese (中文), Korean (한국어), and Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt).



Sign on to our collective community statement to stand in solidarity with us as we develop our community-centered response and denounce the misogyny, white supremacy, and systemic racism that motivate violence against Asian American communities and other communities of color.

A link to the full statement and individual and organizational sign-ons are here.

Donate to the victims of the violent acts and their families here.
All donations will go directly to support the victims and their families.

Share the resources you can offer to the victims and their families, other impacted community members, and community organizations involved in crisis response here.
The resources you might offer can include but are not limited to: mental health services (counseling, healing), other medical services, immigration legal services, interpretation or translation in Asian languages, victim advocacy/case management, assistance with fundraising for victims and their families, childcare, and/or food assistance. Share this link widely so others can add their community offerings as well.

Vote by Mail In-Language Resources – Georgia

The General Election is on November 3! Asian Americans Advancing Justice-Atlanta will continue to provide tools and information regarding Vote By Mail, Voter Registration, and ways to encourage others to vote in Georgia.

The threat of COVID-19 continues to harm community members in Georgia. This unprecedented pandemic has spread through the state rapidly, leaving elections officials to make sweeping changes to the way we vote. Though our elections will continue, a lot is still unclear. One option to vote securely is to vote by mail.

Check out their Vote by Mail In-Language Resources here



COVID-19 Community Resource Guide

We hope you all are staying well and safe during this time. In order to help our community members find and access resources available to them, we have created a Google Document with resources for those in Gwinnett county, although it could help to those residing in the rest of Metro Atlanta. We also have this document translated in different languages!

English: Gwinnett County COVID-19 Community Resource Guide

Korean: 메트로 애틀랜타 한인 지역 코로나19 지역사회자원 가이드

Traditional Chinese: 格溫內特縣COVID-19社區資源指南

Simplified Chinese: 格温内特县COVID-19社区资源指南

Vietnamese: Thông tin Covid-19 cho Quận Gwinnett

Read the rest of their resources here

Know Your Rights Resources

Know Your Rights Resources and mini cards/infographics in various languages. Topics include what your rights are when ICE comes to your door and when encountering ICE agents.

Know Your Rights When ICE comes to your door – YOU HAVE RIGHTS IF IMMIGRATION KNOCKS ON YOUR DOOR!


Advancing Justice-Atlanta has developed in-language Know Your Rights mini cards for when ICE comes to your door. To obtain a physical copy of the KYR mini cards, contact us at 404-585-8446.

Creo (Haitian)
Kinyarwanda (Congolese)

When encountering ICE agents/law enforcement




APACEvotes Stands Against Racism During COVID-19

APACE denounces all forms of racism before, during and after COVID-19. We explicitly denounce the terms “Chinese Virus”, “Wuhan Virus” and other racialized terms of this disease because we know this fuels anti-asian racism, hate and violence. We urge all communities to redirect their energy and actions towards addressing the root of this hate, which we believe to be ignorance and systemic oppression.

Read their full statement here


#AAPIsCountNC – Census 2020

As the only statewide Asian American organization advocating for representation and visibility of the pan-Asian community in North Carolina, NCAAT is deeply concerned about the undercount of the AAPIs in the 2020 census, particularly due to fear remaining from the failed effort to add a citizenship question to the 2020 Census form. (There will no longer be a citizenship question on Census 2020.)

When the Asian American and Pacific Islander communities are undercounted, political boundaries may not accurately represent reality. Undercounting results in Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders being denied a full voice in policy decision-making. As a result, their communities’ different needs may not be represented or prioritized according to their real share of the population. It would also impact how federal funding is allocated to states and localities. Many programs that impact Asian American and Pacific Islander communities are based in whole or in part on census-derived data.

NCAAT, along with other state partners, is working on strategies to get us a complete count in N.C.

Visit their web page on the Census for more information and resources in various languages

More information about the 2020 Census


2020 NMAFC Voting Rights (Korean)

일반 정보

지지 정당의 후보에 대한 투표를 하는 뉴멕시코주의 예비 선거는 2020 년 6 월 2 일에 치뤄질 것입니다. 우리 주에서는 민주당, 자유당 또는 공화당에 이미 등록이 된 당원만 투표를 할 수 있는 비공개 예비 선거를 진행합니다.

현재 예비 선거의 부재자 투표 신청은 마감 기한이 지났습니다. 부재자 투표를 신청한 경우 투표 용지가 귀하의 주소로 발송됩니다. 작성이 완료된 투표 용지는 (1) 2020 년 6 월 2 일 저녁 7 시까지 선거 관리사무소로 우편 발송을 하시거나 (2) 2020 년 6 월 2 일 저녁7 시까지 선거 투표소에 직접 전달하시면 됩니다.

부재자 투표를 신청하지 않은 경우, 선거 당일 투표소에서 직접 투표하실 수 있습니다. 조기 투표는 2020 년 5 월 16 일부터 2020 년 5 월 30 일까지 하실 수 있습니다. 카운티 전역에 17 개의 조기 투표 센터가 있으며 월요일부터 토요일 오전 10 시부 터 저녁 7 시까지 운영됩니다.

선거 당일에 직접 투표를 하실 경우, 카운티 전역에 60 개가 넘는 투표소에서2020 년 6 월 2 일 오전 7시부터 투표하실 수 있고 투표 마감 시간은 2020 년 6 월 2 일 저녁 7시입니다.

COVID-19 감염 위험을 줄이기 위해서는 마스크 착용과 사회적 거리 두기를 실행하시고 가능한한 빨리 손을 씻으세요.

영어가 익숙하지 않은 유권자

영어가 유창하지 않은 유권자의 경우, 주와 연방법에 따라 “투표를 하는데 있어 읽거나 쓰는데 도움이 필요한 사람이면 누구나 유권자의 고용주, 그 고용주의 대리인 또는 유권자 노조의 대리인을 제외한 유권자가 선택한 사람으로부터 도움을받으실 수 있습니다.” 다시 말해, 영어로 된 투표 자료를 읽거나 쓰는데 어려움이 있으실 경우 자료를 번역하고 해석하는 데 도움을 줄수 있는 사람을 선택하실 수 있습니다. 그러나 이 사람은 귀하의 고용주 또는 노조의 임원이어서는 안됩니다.

유권자 확인

뉴멕시코 주 전체 예비 선거의 경우, 사진이 있는 유효한 신분증, 공공 요금 청구서, 은행 명세서, 정부 발급 수표, 급여 명세서, 학생 신분증 또는 귀하의 성명, 등록 주소 및 생년월일이 명기된 문서나 구두 진술을 통해 유권자 확인 절차가 이루어집니다.