
CAAAV Condemns Atlanta Shooting

“We are enraged and saddened by the news of a white man opening fire and killing 8 people, including six Asian women, in Atlanta, Georgia. These acts are immeasurably violent, but we know that the rhetoric and deep histories of white supremacy, imperialism, patriarchy, and racial capitalism are the poisonous soil in which these violent ideologies and acts grow.

Within our neighborhoods, working class, immigrant, women, trans/queer, and precarious workers face violence from a capitalist system set up to use us for profit. We must keep working in risky jobs and living in unsafe conditions despite deadly health risks during a global pandemic, a lack of language access, and even under threats of violence. Often this violence even extends into our homes with threats, precarity, or abuse from a landlord, partner, or family members.

Rarely do public institutions and government care about what happens to us. They think of our well-being as an afterthought. They speak pretty words but fail to give us what we need. In many cases, these institutions contribute to our harm. We know that Asian, Black, Latinx and Indigenous communities face the same threats, and that these forces against us grow more powerful when we fight against each other. We know the murdered women will be scrutinized by those unfamiliar with their situation for their profession and judged as sex workers. Nobody should be put at risk of death – from white supremacist violence or a global pandemic – simply for surviving in racial capitalism.

These conditions are why we must fight and organize for resources to make our lives safer. We respond to anti-Asian violence by organizing with our neighbors to fight for true safety for the working class every single day – safe housing, dignified work and the right to live without fear.

In Solidarity,
CAAAV Organizing Asian Communities”

Democracy is Indigenous Newsletter #4

For the fourth issue of the Democracy in Indigenous Newsletter, the National Urban Indian Family Coalition (NUIFC) wants to showcase the work of three centers in Nevada, Colorado, and Missouri. These centers are connecting with the community with a foundational organizing strategy; by offering food and art for the community and building upon the institutional trust they have. Subscribe to their newsletter by navigating to the website provided above.

What is the Democracy is Indigenous Newsletter?

With the most consequential election of our lives 18 days away, the NUIFC wants to take some time each week to share the work our Cohort is doing to make history. This newsletter will be a space to uplift the grassroots work our partner organizations are doing during the most ambitious Urban Indian Get Out the Vote campaign in history. The NUIFC look forward to bringing this inspiring work right to your inbox every week.

The Native Vote Can Define The Future

Register for the Democracy is Indigenous Newsletter on the National Urban Indian Family Coalition website here.

NUIFC | Report on the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Urban American Indian Nonprofit Sector

The National Urban Indian Family Coalition (NUIFC)  initiated this report intending to learn about the immediate impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic directly from urban AI/AN organizations and the communities they serve. In March 2020, NUIFC launched a national survey targeting our network of members, partners, and grantees (totaling well over 40 organizations). The survey provided a direct line of communication with NUIFC, where organizational and community leaders would be able to report on the issues they were experiencing “on the ground.” Once tabulated and collated, the data collected by this national survey was used to inform this brief, and its recommendations for actionable, outcome-oriented strategies.