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Advocating for a Pathway to Citizenship for All

Sign the petition: Vice President Kamala Harris and Congressional Democrats can and must provide a pathway to citizenship immediately – We won’t take no for an answer. This is the year we will win citizenship for millions. Sign the petition: Vice President Kamala Harris and Congressional Democrats can and must provide a pathway to citizenship immediately.

Adhikaar along with Communities United for Status and Protection (CUSP) releases the following statement urging the Senate to disregard the Parliamentarian and provide green cards to millions. “This third rejection by the Parliamentarian clearly shows that she has no intention of approving any form of immigration relief to be included in the Build Back Better Act, despite very clear and significant budgetary impact. Senators must not allow a non-elected Senate staffer to subvert the will of the people via a purely advisory opinion. Senators must fulfill their duties to our communities and legislate what is right.  The only way to do this is by including permanent residency in the Build Back Better Act.” Read their full statement here: