Support Community Building and Mobilization in 2021 As 2020 comes to an end, we are reflecting on the monumental advocacy and community organizing that took place to address anti-AAPI racism, increase allyship and solidarity with other communities of color, respond to the socioeconomic and health challenges during COVID-19, and encourage voter participation and increase AAPI representation in the 2020 elections. As we continue to build power and fight for an equitable recovery in 2021, there are many ways you can help support our network partners and contribute to their community outreach and engagement services, programming, and campaigns. Here are some of our network partner campaigns you can support: Asian Pacific American Network of Oregon: “At APANO, we will continue to cultivate that strength, connection, and care in 2021 as we heal, rebuild, and create the future our communities deserve. In 2021, APANO will continue to respond to community needs as we have done throughout this year. We have distributed over $1 million in relief including meals to BIPOC households, gift cards to community members, and grants to API-owned small businesses. Amidst it all, we continue to build the power of Asian and Pacific Islander leaders and communities. We have shown up for each other in this difficult year, and we will need to do so in 2021 as we recover and reimagine our world. While we understand that giving may be challenging this year, if you are able, please make a year-end gift to help APANO support, mobilize, and nourish our community.” Donate to our Grassroots Asian Environmental Leadership Fund now to support our organizing in 2022 and beyond. Asian Pacific Environmental Network: “Since 1993, we’ve been building deep roots in California’s Asian immigrant and refugee communities. From cultural events like Rice & Water Festival in Richmond to our annual International Women’s Day event in Chinatown, we work year-round to build community in working-class immigrant and refugee neighborhoods across the East Bay. Our communities sustain our cultures and our families. And if there’s one thing this year has shown us, it is that we all depend on each other — on strong, resilient communities — for our health, our wellbeing, and our survival. This #GivingTuesday, build community in working-class Asian immigrant and refugee neighborhoods across California by donating to APEN. We need to raise $10,000 by the end of the year to power our community organizing in 2021 and beyond. Will you help us reach our goal? Donate now at or please SHARE if you are unable to donate at the moment!” Chinese for Affirmative Action: “As 2020 comes to an end, CAA’s mission to build a multiracial democracy is more important than ever. This year, there are several ways for folks to demonstrate their support. Whether you make a direct donation at or finish your holiday shopping on [and select CAA as your charity of choice], this is your chance to join us in championing civil rights, education equity, immigrant justice, and more.” Chinese Progressive Association of San Francisco: “With rapid shifts in the political and economic landscapes, we’re expanding our capacity and doubling down on civic engagement and political education with our base, lifting up their voices in advocating for economic and racial justice! We know we need all of us to keep each other safe, protected, and thriving. Together, you can be a part of our movement to shape the future of our communities.” Contribute at The Coalition of Asian American Leaders: “An ancient Japanese legend promises that anyone who folds a thousand origami cranes will be granted a wish. A group of one thousand origami paper cranes (折鶴, orizuru) held together by strings has come to stand as a universal symbol of hope and healing. At the end of a tumultuous year heightened by natural disasters, COVID-19, and civil unrest, CAAL launches its month-long #PaperCraneWish campaign from December 1 – December 31, 2020 as a much needed symbol of hope. Every crane you fold brings us one step closer to our year-end fundraising goal of $20,000 to support our fight for a more equitable and just future.” To make a donation today and learn more about this campaign, visit CAAAV Organizing Asian Communities: “It’s been a chaotic time, but also a time full of openings and charged with energy. Throughout the pandemic, CAAAV has been organizing our communities both virtually and on the ground to build grassroots tenant power! And we know that despite what happens, the future is ours to build. We need to imagine a world in which local elected officials are actually accountable to the people. In 2021, we will continue to build militancy within our membership to stop eviction, fight for full funding in public housing, and for the cancellation of rent. Can you help us continue the fight in 2021? Donate now to our The Future is Ours To Build fundraiser! Every dollar supports organized working-class people and the fight for a more equitable New York City.” View this post on Instagram A post shared by Reviving Sisterhood (@revivingsisterhood) CPA has had a 500% increase in requests for help this year! Help CPA continue to build power and fight for an equitable recovery this #GivingTuesday! — CPA Justice (@CPAJustice) December 1, 2020