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Action Alert: Drop the Charges Against SEAA Organizers

VietLead’s Executive Director, Nancy Nguyen, and a group of Freedom Fighters were targeted for speaking out publicly against ICE Director Tony Pham for using his Viet refugee status to spearhead their terror campaign against Black and Brown immigrant and refugee communities. As the government frequently criminalizes Freedom Fighters like Nancy Nguyen who speak out against human rights abuses and imprisons them with bogus charges, take action today and stand with movement leaders and groups who are fighting for justice by signing the Nat’l Statement Demanding Commonwealth Atty. Shannon Taylor to Drop the Charges. We call on all who are against injustice to sign on to this Drop the Charges Demand letter. To join the movement to demand to drop ALL charges, use the action tool kit.

Read Nancy Nguyen’s Op-Ed in The Philadelphia Inquirer


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